Friday, 26 April 2013

" Vida De Um Vestido " * The Life of Dress * Feed back after the Workshop and Exhibition By Emilia Duarte Participant Fashion Blogger Based in Maputo Mozambique

"Vida de um vestido"  The Life of Dress Workshop and Exhibition, Feedback by one of the participant fashion Blogger Emilia Duarte Based in maputo Mozambique.

Emilia Duarte 

 I learned that you can give a new life to an old piece of cloth and make something extraordinary out of it. The act of recycling is a value that is pretty much forgotten nowadays.



Emilia Wearing Dress Redesigned By her 

 We are consumed by the greed of always buying something new and we end up neglecting, sometimes throwing away old clothes that have an emotional and historical value.

 I believe that i've contributed by observing, sympathizing, participating, producing and transmitting what i did at the workshop... and yes,certainly i would love to participate again.

Emilia During The Workshop 

Emilia In Action During The Workshop

Final Work Done By Emilia Redesigned


Artigo em Portugues

Emilia During The Workshop

Aprendi que pode -se dar uma nova vida a uma peca de Roupa e fazer algo estraordinario /

Mima-te /The Designer/ Proudly Moz 

 O acto de reciclar e um valor que hoje em dia e bastante esquecido,,,estamos muito consumidos pela gana de comprar sempre o novo e acabamos por abandonar,por vezes deitar pecas antigas que tem um inestimavel valor, historia e uma certa Magia. 

Creio que contribui no sentido de ser mais uma pessoa que viu, aderiu,Partecipou neste caso Produziu e transmitiu o que fez no workshop...e certamente irei de novo ao workshop:)

Emilia During the Workshop


Emilia Duarte

Emilia blogg


Edit by Dumbanenguebyceleste Photo Source  Emilia Duarte

Stockholm Sweden 2013 April

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