Wednesday 1 June 2016

Ayurveda.. Health... Skin Care...

Throwback when i visited the school where i studied "traditional ayurvedic massage" and "shantala Indian baby massage", talking with my teacher,
i question him, on where i can find natural oils suppliers, for me  for massage. My teacher said, Celeste why you dont make your own line? i said to my teacher that´s great idea.
I keep in my mind, as time goes by, i find myself more as creative, i have project of build my clothing line so on  many other things, but i feel that i dont want been seen as that designer, i would like to have freedom on working in branding, where this season if i want i can drop skin care line, and for instance, other seasons drop clothing line, shoe line and acessories,  i find myself more in this way.
 so i have this idea boost by my teacher..
ayurvedic skin care line product, with essences of african herbs.

Until there, i selected here brands that are inspiring me a lot, everytime i buy goods in these stores,  i say to myself  "one day  Celeste Soon i will have something similar."
Until my skin care comes, those are brands i love to use, and i full recomend, Lush, BodyShop, Kung Markatta, Welleda...

Lush: Skin care Product

Kung Markatta : Coconout Oil Virgin Extract

Welleda : Arnica Oil Massage


Edited by dumbanenguebyceleste... 
Stockholm Sweden 2016

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