Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Universal Militarism Versus Demilitarized Society by Roberth Thurman - Podcast

Universal Militarism Versus Demilitarized Society 

About: According to Professor Thurman, the only effective institutional opposition to militarism in the history of humanity has been monasticism. He argues that monastic institutions enable the inversion of warriors. The militancy of the warrior is introverted, so that the monk or nun battles with his or her own inner demons of selfishness, anger, greed, and so on. In this podcast Professor Thurman suggests that dharma practitioners can win the inner battle, and when they constitute a large community, create something like a “peace army” for the society.
This episode is an excerpt from the lecture “Tibetan Buddhism: Historical and Philosophical Developments,” given at Nalanda Institute in New York City, on October 1, 2015.


Robert Thurman -Bio

Robert A.F. Thurman is the Jey Tsong Khapa Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies in the Department of Religion at Columbia University, President of the Tibet House U.S., a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Tibetan civilization, and President of the American Institute of Buddhist Studies, a non-profit affiliated with the Center for Buddhist Studies at Columbia University and dedicated to the publication of translations of important artistic and scientific treatises from the Tibetan Tengyur.

Time chose Professor Thurman as one of its 25 most influential Americans in 1997, describing him as a “larger than life scholar-activist destined to convey the Dharma, the precious teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, from Asia to America.” The New York Times recently said Thurman “is considered the leading American expert on Tibetan Buddhism.”
Thurman is known as a talented popularizer of the Buddha’s teachings. He is a riveting speaker and an author of many books on Tibet, Buddhism, art, politics and culture, including The Central Philosophy of Tibet, Circling the Sacred Mountain, Essential Tibetan Buddhism, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet, Worlds of Transformation, Inner Revolution, Infinite Life, the Jewel Tree of Tibet, Why The Dalai Lama Matters: His Act of Truth as the Solution for China, Tibet, and the World, and, most recently, with Sharon Salzberg, Love Your Enemies.
His own search for enlightenment began while he was a student at Harvard. After an accident in which he lost the use of an eye, Thurman left school on a spiritual quest throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia. He found his way to India, where he first saw H.H. the Dalai Lama in 1962. After learning Tibetan and studying Buddhism he decided to become a Tibetan Buddhist monk and was the first Westerner to be ordained by the Dalai Lama. However, some years later, he offered up his robes when “he discovered he could be more effective in the American equivalent of the monastery: the university”. He returned to Harvard to finish his PhD. A very popular professor, students call his classes “life-changing”. more

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Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Favoritism And Its Danger

The problem of favouritism, i've heard that before Maria borges became top model
she went to model contest in her country, and apparently she was rejected because of her skin tone, aparently the judge instead of choosing her, choose lighter skin girl, so Maria Borges was found by a woman and she manage somehow put her on top fashion industry, today Maria with her fashion skills, is one of favourite models of fashion icon Naomi Campbell, Maria is seen in top fashion industry as the new Naomi... moral of story
those who failed in see the huge potential in Maria they found themselves with regreted, because they had so much favoritism in their head, that  made them failed to see her potential... so in major cases favoritism is very umproductive.

Favoritism :the favoring of one person or group over others with equal claims; partiality.



The Dangers of Favoritism

If your employees are spending more time flattering you than working on important issues in your company, they are really doing you a disservice. You might feel good hearing such nice things about yourself or having consensus on every issue, but it’s doing nothing to solve problems or advance the company. The more we bask in praise, the weaker we become as leaders. We need to welcome challenge in order to strengthen ourselves. Only a weak leader is afraid to hear the truth.




We tend to gravitate toward subordinates who make us feel good about ourselves, seem to like us, and compliment us. We hang out with them more than other employees. We reward them more often, and with better benefits, bonuses, and promotions. We brag about them to other employees, and we are more likely to show them support and attention in public. What kind of message does this send to the other employees, particularly the ones that are more challenging to us, and disagree with us on key issues?



The more you reward a behavior, the more of it you get. If sucking up is a way to get ahead and get positive feedback, people will do more of it, and the independent thinkers who would challenge us, tend to back off and become more fawning just to stay equal with the others. We have now built a team of servile, unthinking “yes men.” Do you think that’s going to make your company more successful? Hardly!
To be a great CEO, we need to be challenged. We need to hear differing opinions so we can make informed decisions. We need people to tell us the truth, not what we want to hear. And we need to know what our subordinates actually think of us.
To become a great CEO, you need to ask this question about your subordinates: “Do their words and/or actions contribute to my self-esteem, or do they contribute to the success of the company?” The answer will be obvious.

  1. Operate outside your normal pattern for some percentage of the time. This allows you the opportunity to show you are not always picking a certain person for assignments. There may be some small risk in doing this, but you can mitigate it by selecting the application to change assignments.
  2. Create a culture where cross training of people is routine. In doing so, you develop bench strength, and you can demonstrate less tendencies toward favoritism.
  3. Be inclusive rather than exclusive with your language when you address groups. Your choice of words will give away your feelings toward others, so always seek to use language that reflects a broad rather than narrow range of people.
  4. Be alert to your own body language. We communicate more through body language than words. It is important to be cognizant of your facial expressions and posture when interfacing with all people to not project a strong bias. If you are the kind of manager who pats people on the back, make sure you do that for everyone when it is deserved.
  5. Test for your own biases. Most managers are not even aware of their tendency to play favorites, so it is difficult to see the damage to trust when it is happening. Seek out a trusted individual who will tell you if your actions are being perceived as slanted toward one or more individuals. Caution: do not select one of your favorite people to solicit this information or you will obviously defeat the purpose.
  6. Build Trust - with high trust, people understand the intent of actions better and can interpret complex interpersonal issues between people. If trust is low, people instinctively assume the worst intent rather than the best intent.
These actions, along with a general awareness, can mitigate the problem of appearing to play favorites. Even though as a human being you do have favorite people, you can operate with fairness and integrity if you do not try to treat all individuals the same way in every instance.



excerpts from : Mike Harden , Bob Whipple

Edit by: Celeste ... 017-01-31

Monday, 30 January 2017

Haute Couture For Black People... Loza Maleombho

 Article original  from...

Loza Maleombho brings a contemporary spin to traditional African craftsmanship creating Black haute couture.Raised between Abidjan and Washington, D.C., Brazilian-born Loza Maleombho injects cosmopolitan dash into native Ivorian designs with her haute couture eponymous ready-to-wear and accessories collections.Vibrant hues, musk constructions and pattern and fabric play are part of the identity of the label, which was founded in New York. With her workshop now based in the Ivory Coast, the award-win­ning designer is making it her mission to provide local sustain­able development there.EBONY magazine puts a spotlight on the gifted couturier, who highlights our resplendent cultural bearings in a bold way.

What differentiates your brand from others?

My label is original in the sense that it bridges Ivorian traditions with modern haute couture. The sil­houettes celebrate the paradox of the old and the new and the different cultural and traditional elements, but more specifically, the synergies, the contradictions and similarities between Ivorian tribal aesthetics and New York’s urban fashion. The Ivory Coast counts 60 ethnicities/tribes to draw inspiration from, and the streets of New York are a melting pot that offer an open mind to any trend possible in fashion—which is enough mate­rial for me to create countless monographs between the two.

The philosophy of the brand hangs on one quote by Theo­dore Roosevelt: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” To me, this dictum, which ripples down from the conception of my collection to its production process, means any challenge or constraint that may limit our ability to progress is an opportunity to be creative. We work with artisans who have mastered their craft for generations and find ways to communicate their trade to the new set, with fashionable items that arc on trend. By creating a bridge between African fashion and the world, we’re spreading the traditional values of the continent on a global scale.

Let’s discuss your late 2016 and early 2017 collections, which were an ode to Queen Pokou, the legendary Ivorian queen who ruled over a fac­tion of the powerful Ashanti tribe.

Queen Pokou was also founder of the Baule tribe. I am part Ashanti on my mother’s side, and I noticed during my re­search there weren’t many representations of our notorious queen, so I decided to create my own modern interpretation of her. For my autumn-winter 2016 presentation, I used a real Ashanti crown and jewel, with other tribal hints such us kente cloth, handwoven by artisans. For the spring-summer 2017 collection, I expanded the concept further by employing Baule-inspired tribal masks and mixed wax prints with organza to continue my exploration of the regal yet urban stylization of the African empress.

Re-edit by Celeste 017-01-30

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Fashion, Costume, Culture... Alta Moda by Mario Testino... Culture Preservation...

Alta Moda by Mario Testino

In a departure from Mario Testino’s celebrated fashion work, the touring exhibition Alta Moda, which first opened at MATE – Museo Mario Testino in Lima in 2013, is the result of a five-year project that investigates both Peruvian traditions and the history of photography.

The exhibition showcases Testino’s portraits of Peruvians local to the mountainous region of Cusco, wearing festive attire. Peru’s traditional costumes appear to be as personal, handmade, exquisitely embroidered, conceived and dyed (and as rich in imagination) as the creations of the finest Haute Couture ateliers. “The vibrancy of the clothes expresses the intensity of spirit of the people who wear them,” Testino said. “I hope my images show how these traditions still exist in the present, at least for now.”

Testino frequently visited Cusco between 2007-2012 after discovering an archive of costumes that had been conserved at Filigranas Peruanas, one of Cusco’s largest dance associations. The photographs in Alta Moda draw inspiration from the work of Martin Chambi, one of the first indigenous Latin American photographers. Testino worked closely with the Archivo Fotógrafico Martín Chambi in Cusco to incorporate archival backdrops into his own work. “So much Peruvian history lives on in these clothes. I have become aware on my travels that when a country loses the connection between its history and its traditional dress, something truly precious is lost. Something we can easily take for granted.” – Mario Testino

Edited By C...C
Stockholm Sweden  July 2016

Monday, 18 July 2016

Health... Japanese Anti Aging Facial Massage...

Warning: if you have implant or microchip in your body, or certain artificial objects that is not part of yout natural body, i dont advice to perform this massage before consult your doctor.

This Japanese Facial Massage Will Make You Look 10 Years Younger in 2 Weeks! 

Many of us would like to look younger, or slow the aging process.
Skin care product manufacturers know this, which is why the market is flooded with anti-aging creams and moisturizers that are filled with harsh, cancer-causing chemicals. Luckily for those of us who are on a quest to defy aging without side effects, there are natural methods.

  One such method is known as the Tanaka Massage. It was invented by a 65-year-old Japanese woman named Yukuko Tanaka. The Tanaka Massage requires nothing more than your two hands. You can use coconut, olive or almond oil if you’d like to moisturize your skin at the same time.

How It Works: One of the ways the Tanaka Massage works is by facilitating proper lymph drainage. The motions of the massage also work to contour the skin and eliminate droopiness, sagging and wrinkling.

 The best part? It takes no more than 5 minutes, meaning you can easily fit this into your day. You can even do it at the office when you need to take a few minutes to de-stress.
Have a look at the video below to see how it’s done!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


Edited by : dumbanenguebyceleste
Stockholm, Sweden, July 016
Sources : David Wolfe

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Reading Altruism... Excerpt // Inspiration ... Culture Preservation Chapter VIII...

 From the Book Altruism 

Author Scientist and French Buddhist Monk Matthieu Ricard...

First  they ignore you. Then  they laugh at you. Then  they fight you. Finally you win.
Authentic Altruism does not require that you suffer from helping others and does not lose its authenticity if it is accompanied by a feeling of profound satisfaction.

…. Sanjit “Bunker” Roy… relates  that at age  of twenty  as the son of good family educated in one  of the most  prestigious schools in india, he was destined for fine career. His mother already pictured him as doctor, an engineer, or an official in the world bank.
That year, in 1965, a terrible famine broke out  in province of Bihar, one of the  poorest states of india. Bunker, inspired by Jai Prakash Narayan, friend of Ghandi and a great Indian moral figure, decided to go with friends his age to see what was happening in villages most affected. He returned a few weeks later, transformed, and told his mother he wanted to go live in a village. After a period of worried silence, his mother asked him: “ And what are you going to do in a village? His Mother almost went into a coma “ Bunker says.The other members  of the family tried to reassure her, saying: “ Don´t worry, like all teenagers, he´s having his crisis of idealism.
After toiling there for a few weeks, he´ll soon become disillusioned and will  come home .“  But Bunker did not  come home, and remained for four decades in villages. For six years, he dug three hundred wells with a pneumatic drill in the countryside of Rajasthan. His Mother stopped talking to him for years. When he settled in village of Tilonia, the local authorities didn’t understand either: “ Are you running away from the police? “ Did you fail your exams? “No” .”Were you unable to get government job? “No”. Someone of his social standing and with  such high level of education was out place in poor village.

Bunker realised he could do more than dig wells. He observed that the men who had completed their studies left for the cities and contributed nothing whatsoever to helping their village.
Bunker was ignored for long time, then criticised by local authorities and international organisations, including the world bank. But he persevered and trained hundreds of illiterate grandmothers who supplied solar energy to almost a thousand villages in india and in  many other countries. His activity is now supported by Indian government and other organizations; it is cited as an example almost everywhere in the world, He has also come up with programs that use the ancestral know- how of farmer, specially ways to collect rainwater to fill tanks big enough to provide for the  yearly needs of the villagers. Before, women had was several hours
everyday to bring back heavy jars of often polluted water.

 In Rajasthan, he founded barefoot college, in which even  the teachers have no college degree but  share their experience based on years of practice. Everyone Lives very simply at the college, like Ghandi´s communities, and no and is paid more than 100 euros a month. He since reconciled with his family, who are now proud of him. So, For many years, what seemed to those close to bunker to be and insane sacrifice has constituted for him a success that has filled him with enthusiasm and satisfaction. Far from discouraging him, the difficulties he encountered on his way have only stimulated his intelligence, his compassion and his creative faculties. To this day, and for forty years, Bunker has led to fruition a multitude of remarkable projects in nearly sixty-seven countries.Whats more, his  entire being radiates the calm contentment of a meaningful life.
To teach Villagers  in a lively way, Bunker and his collaboration organise representations featuring large papier- mâché marionettes. As a sly wink to those who used to look down on him, these marionettes  are made from recycled reports of the World Bank. Bunker Quotes Gandhi : “First  they ignore you. Then  they laugh at you. Then  they fight you. Finally you win. “.

Edit by Celeste Cambaza ... dumbanenguebyceleste 
excerpt from page 20, 21, 22. Stockholm Sweden  June 2016

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Ayurveda.. Health... Skin Care...

Throwback when i visited the school where i studied "traditional ayurvedic massage" and "shantala Indian baby massage", talking with my teacher,
i question him, on where i can find natural oils suppliers, for me  for massage. My teacher said, Celeste why you dont make your own line? i said to my teacher that´s great idea.
I keep in my mind, as time goes by, i find myself more as creative, i have project of build my clothing line so on  many other things, but i feel that i dont want been seen as that designer, i would like to have freedom on working in branding, where this season if i want i can drop skin care line, and for instance, other seasons drop clothing line, shoe line and acessories,  i find myself more in this way.
 so i have this idea boost by my teacher..
ayurvedic skin care line product, with essences of african herbs.

Until there, i selected here brands that are inspiring me a lot, everytime i buy goods in these stores,  i say to myself  "one day  Celeste Soon i will have something similar."
Until my skin care comes, those are brands i love to use, and i full recomend, Lush, BodyShop, Kung Markatta, Welleda...

Lush: Skin care Product

Kung Markatta : Coconout Oil Virgin Extract

Welleda : Arnica Oil Massage


Edited by dumbanenguebyceleste... 
Stockholm Sweden 2016