Saturday, 1 June 2013

Mapindza Aka Rope Aka Exploit Aka ...

Kapa dech is Mozambican Band with 2 album their music genre can be called like World African, ethnic, Pop African.
in their second album you can listen this amazing song theme entitled Mapindza weach means Rope if i'm not wrong, written by them.

On the song, you have this part written in english, i  mean (Lyrics), where they make this Question. 
 make me sense that the song theme, was made because of the problems we have in Africa

 in the photo on up : Humans Zoos (also called ethnological expositions or Negro Villages) were 19th- and 20th-century public exhibits of humans, usually in a so-called natural or primitive state. The displays often emphasized the cultural differences between Europeans of Western civilization and non-European peoples. Ethnographic zoos were often predicated on unilinealism, scientific racism and social Darwinism. A number of them placed indigenous people (particularly Africans) in a continuum somewhere between the great apes and humans of European descent. Ethnographic zoos have since been criticized as highly degrading and racist.


Part of the Lyric i collect from Mapindza
Song Theme

If you don't like me.
Why you say you do.
You Say you are my Brother.
But i you owe money.
I Can't even Fight.
Because your fire on your weapons.
Only i can do is to fight with my lands. (???)

in the photo up : Humans Zoo 19th- and 20th-centuryAfrican was exposed as exotic pieces.


 And this very clear, to whom they throw the question.
 shall i say we know who you guys are is just matter of time.
we are on the way to get free of you guys soon be sure of that.

in the photo up : Humans Zoo 19th- and 20th-century
African was exposed as exotic pieces.

Nothing last forever,  life is impermanent.
if i'm not wrong there are this buddhist proverb that says:
"All big empires, they rise and fall "

2006 RoadShow activism Project Provide by Kapa Dech

Mozambican World African, Ethnic Music Group


Edit by
sources wikipedia
Stockholm Sweden June 2013