Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Slow Art !! Why...?

“The objects in Slow Art were made slowly, often using complicated methods. Many practitioners put special emphasis on shaping certain details, disregarding the mental boredom or physical pain of repetition.
In a society such as ours, driven as it is by short-term profitability, phenomena that are described with the word slow indicate a conscious protest against prevailing values and conditions. The concept is also found in several other contemporary movements, such as Slow Food, as opposed to Fast Food, and Slow Travel, that argues for a greater sense of contentment through slow travel and staying for longer periods in one place. A common feature in all varieties of the Slow Movement is that they advocate a life that is not governed by the constant battle against the clock, by profit-thinking and short-term consumerism. Against this background, the Nationalmuseum has chosen the term Slow Art to signify a selection of objects where the time aspect and slowness itself have been integral parts of the artistic process. The craftsmanship behind Slow Art expresses values associated with the human touch, time and life.”
Dress Broken Shadow
Helen Hörstedt
Raw silk, leather
“Hörstedt is a perfectionist. In her artistic process the garments are distinctly set apart from the often-ephemeral fashion scene. They are on the boundary between art, crafts and haute couture.”

Pasi Välimaa
Cotton, linen
“Time was fundamental in the creation of this piece. Välimaa worked on it on and off for a year. He emphasizes that it was important not to feel any pressure. The embroidery was allowed to grow at its own pace. That is why he calls his process “luxury manufacturing”. The luxury consists of the indulgence of allowing oneself to work on one single object for so long.”


Helena Sandström
Eggshell, gold 24k, sweet water pearls
“The fragility of the material was the starting point for Helena Sandström’s necklace made of the shells from hens’ eggs. The eggs were broken carefully, and many failed attempts were made before achieving the optimum floral shape and size… The fragile necklace must be handled with the utmost care, like life itself.”


Sculpture Beauty has a Thorn2008Mafune Gonjo
Sheer glass, metal, hanger, gauze
“Her artistic process is characterized by minute repetitions that require persistence and patience. For Gonjo, repetition is a meditative act that gives her a sense of security, safety and control.”


info via : http://consciousconsuming.wordpress.com/2012/06/14/slow-art/ ----
re edit by :   Dumbanenguetvblog@gmail.com

Monday, 10 December 2012

Tendencias SS 12 ainda funcionam ate 2013

New Edge
In New Edge, we represent a strong desire for modern shapes that we would like to be pure yet sensual. This modern outlook offers a radically simple, minimal aestheticis found appealing once again, updating an idea of classicism and timelessness. Between a search for original purity and the redefinition of shapes, we identify the contours of a new frame of reference. Highly stylized, shapes and lines are defiantly structured or erased to leave room for a comfortable ergonomy with generous, enveloping, air-conditioned fullness. We draw strengh from the desert, a fascination for expanses without borders and opt for timeless eroded denim and sediment-like fabric effects.

 mas info aqui(http://eviesweetieboutique.blogspot.se/2011/08/trends-on-look-out-for-2012.html)

Sunday, 9 December 2012

90's Aka looks like Hipster

Hipster 90's

As i said i am very hipster, no way with me can i find my way in other term but i always will back to hipster,
well this is the new hairstyle that i have sponsored by Visons Butik.
Visons Butik is Hair Braiding, Hair Supplies & Accessories. Repslagargatan 6, Södermalm, Stockholm 118 46, Sweden. they are caring my hairstyle now.

Hipster 90's

Como eu disse, eu sou muito Hipster, de jeito nenhum comigo posso encontrar meu caminho em outro termo, mas eu sempre vou voltar para hipster,
bem este é o novo penteado que eu tenho patrocinado pela Visons Butik.
Visons Butik  e salao de beleza  e loja  em Repslagargatan 6, Södermalm, Estocolmo 118 46, Suécia. eles estão a cuidar dos meus penteados apartir de  agora.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Practical Things & Hipster


Hipster  way



Hipster refers to a subculture of young, recently settled urban middle class adults and older teenagers that appeared in the 1990s. The subculture is associated with independent music, a varied non-mainstream fashion sensibilityliberal or independent political views, alternative spirituality or atheism/agnosticism, and alternative lifestyles. Interests in media include independent film, magazines such as Clash, and websites like Pitchfork Media.
Hipster culture has been described as a "mutating, trans-Atlantic melting pot of styles, tastes and behavior[s]." Christian Lorentzen of Time Out New York argues that "hipsterismfetishizes the authentic" elements of all of the "fringe movements of the postwar era—beathippiepunk, even grunge," and draws on the "cultural stores of every unmelted ethnicity," and "regurgitates it with a winking inauthenticity."

Hipster é um termo frequentemente usado para se referir a pseudo-intelectuais, geralmente pertencentes a um contexto social subcultural da classe média urbana. A cultura hipster faz parte da variedade de subculturas que coexiste com a cultura mainstream.
A cultura hipster é marcada pela música independente, saudosismo recorrente, uma variada sensibilidade para a tendência non-mainstream (não comum, não recorrente) e estilos de vida alternativos. Os interesses referentes à mídia por esse grupo incluem filmes independentes, revistas e websites notadamente relacionados à música alternativa.
A cultura hipster tem sido descrita como um "mutante caldeirão transatlântico de estilos, gostos e comportamentos".Christian Lorentzen, do New York Times, argumenta que "O hipsterismo fetichiza a autenticidade", elementos de "movimentos marginais da erabeat pós-guerra (beat generation), o hippie e até o grunge", inspira-se em "depósitos culturais de cada toda densidade étnica" e "regurgita tudo com uma peculiar e intrínseca inautenticidade." Outros, como Arsel e Thompson, referem-se aos hipsters como o termo significante para uma mitologia cultural, a cristalização de um estereótipo massificado e mediado para entender, categorizar e "marketizar" o consumidor da cultura indie, mais que efetivamente um grupo de pessoas


info via Wikipedia  photo google search
edtid by 
012 sweden stockholm

hair make up inspiration 00



Le Groupe


Emma Futuristic

Thursday, 6 December 2012

He Fitness

Sveavägen 107

Oppen /Öppettider:







Saturday - Sunday

Lördag & Söndag


Stockholm Sweden


"Nada" Is the name of the Brand, it's a collective of Swedish Designers.
some of their pieces are manufactured in China
example this bag was made in Beijing.

Open Your Eyes, You Can Fly

Lizz Wright

Have courage, to be free.
Never be afraid to love.
Open your eyes you can fly

Never be afraid to love
Never be afraid to just be
Catch the way & change the doubt
Have a courage to be free
Don?t gaud your eyes with others lies
See only what You wanna? see
Duplicate the simple truth
Have a courage to be free

Open Your eyes, you can fly
Open Your eyes, you can fly
You can fly
You can fly

Never be afraid to love
Never be afraid to just be
Catch the way & change the doubt
Have a courage to be free
Don?t gaud your eyes with others lies
See only what You want to see
Just duplicate the simple truth
And have a courage to be free

Open Your eyes, you can fly
Open Your eyes, you can fly
You can fly
You can fly

Oooooo, mhmmm hey eh he

Open Your eyes, you can fly
Open Your eyes, you can fly
You can fly ,yeah
You can fly ,yeah

Oh ooo yeaaaaaaah
Oh ooo yeaaaaaaah

Never be afraid to love
Oh ooooo

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

I Knew I Loved You By Savage Garden

Maybe it's intuition
But some things you just don't question
Like in your eyes
I see my future in an instant
And there it goes
I think I've found my best friend
I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life

I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

There's just no rhyme or reason
Only this sense of completion
And in your eyes
I see the missing pieces
I'm searching for
I think I've found my way home

I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
(and the whos here)

A thousand angels dance around you
(and the whos here)
I am complete now that I've found you
(and the whos here)

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
(and the whos here)

Repeat chorus 3x with chorus

Editorials skills 012





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